No doubt, you want to keep the beloved senior adults in your life active, connected, and healthy. When seniors don’t have the needed opportunities to get out and socialize with friends and family, they are at a higher risk for depression and increased decline. For senior adults who no longer drive, it is even more of a challenge to stay engaged and active. While ridesharing can provide a way to get around town, some seniors are not comfortable with the applications. Plus, keeping seniors active and engage has been even more trying in this era of the coronavirus pandemic, but it can still be accomplished successfully with these helpful tips.

Exercise Classes For Seniors

Exercise classes for seniors can be a great way for them to get the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) recommended 30 minutes of activity daily for their best health. For most seniors, the best exercises are gentle, non-weight bearing so no addition undue pressure is put on joints.  A great way to accomplish this goal is by swimming. A swim class (or other healthy exercise class) also provides seniors with an opportunity to socialize and connect with friends or even make new ones – an added bonus. 

Adult Programs for Seniors

Good mental health is just as important as good physical health and it begins with activities and opportunities to socialize. There are a number of adult programs available in most communities allowing for increased opportunities to connect and socialize, like game nights, classes, book clubs, and more. If these aren’t available in your area for your favorite seniors, consider starting one with family members or close friends, with everyone joining in to make snacks and choose their favorite games.

Classes for Seniors

In addition to exercise and adult programs, like game nights, another great option is classes offered in the area. From arts and crafts, to cooking, to college classes, these offer a great way to keep seniors learning and engaged, while enhancing mental capacity and preventing atrophy. Many communities and colleges offer classes for seniors, often with reduced fees for those over 60. Seniors will enjoy the challenge as well as getting out of the house, learning new things, and connecting with people of all ages. 

Meal Programs for Seniors

While not an activity per se, access to healthy meals is important to the senior adults in your life. Meals on Wheels and other meal programs can provide healthy meals to homebound seniors or those who aren’t able or simply no longer enjoy preparing their meals.  Having meals delivered not only ensure healthy options but also allows additional opportunities for seniors to socialize.

Volunteer Opportunities for Seniors

Most seniors still enjoy feeling needed and useful, and volunteering is a great way to accomplish this goal. Volunteers are always needed, from non-profits to hospitals, childcare centers to schools, police departments to humane societies. Take a look around and help your senior find the perfect spot to volunteer their services – a great opportunity to connect and engage with the community, stay physically and mentally active, and feel needed too.

Traveling and Transportation for Seniors

Visiting with friends and family is important to seniors. Much like the importance of getting to and from appointments, finding safe, senior transportation can seem challenging. When you senior is traveling via commercial airlines, commercial medical escorts can help – picking your loved one up at home and providing the needed assistance to the desired destination. Non-emergency medical transportation can also be an option for needed local and long-distance travel.

At Stellar Transport, we can provide the needed transportation for your senior. Our staff are HIPAA protected and certified in CPR and First-Aid, trained for elderly sensitivity as well as the operation of wheelchair and transport devices, to ensure your senior gets where they need to be safely and on time.