The decision to move beloved family members into assisted living is a huge decision. For many, it is so difficult that procrastination wins the day until a health crisis arises. The truth is the decision, made early can be easier than it would be in the midst of a crisis. In fact, there are some signs than can signal you that it is time moved your loved one into assisted living. One popular manner of assessment focuses on activities of daily living, which can help you determine how well your loved on can perform the necessary day to day activities of living.
Categories to Consider
Among the daily living categories to assess are areas like bathing and toileting including continence, eating, choosing clothes and dressing, and getting in and out of bed. In addition, other skills – cleaning the house, paying the bills, preparing meals, socializing, and transportation – signal the ability to continue to live independently. The challenge is often these signs are so subtle that you don’t realize the need for assisted living is there when in fact, the move might considerably improve the quality of life for your loved one by delivering much needed support.
Signs the Time for Assisted Living Has Arrived
As your loved one ages, you might notice a decline in the ability to pay bills, balance a checkbook, and handle other financial responsibilities. If you notice a stack of bills which have been unpaid, past due notices, or unopened bank statements, there may be an issue. Medications can increase the issue, as can the onset of diseases like dementia, which decrease the ability to deal with complex figures and abstract thinking. It may manifest early in the inability to do taxes or find needed documents and is the reason behind the targeting of senior adults in financial scams.
For older adults, great pride comes from a clean, organized living space, which makes a messy house where there was once a pristine space a sign that help is needed. Dust buildup, unvacuumed floors, unwashed dishes, and clutter is a sign to look out for, which, in fact, actually puts your loved one at higher risk for injury. Another area of concern is the refrigerator where you may find spoiled foods and unpleasant odors.
An even more serious problem is poor hygiene. Dirty nails, unkempt hair, and infrequent bathing, as well as piled up laundry and disheveled clothes, could contribute to poor health and a great chance of illness. In some cases, senior adults are fearful of bathing without help and falling, and in other memory loss is a contributing factor.
A decline in health, an increase in frailty, or the development of a chronic medical condition such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s or heart disease can signal the time for a move to assisted living. Each of these indicate a need for greater medical attention, as well as daily management of care and medication. In addition, the potential for a “health crisis” such as falling or difficulty getting up, could be the sign that more assistance is needed to preserve your loved one’s health and wellbeing.
Social Interactions
Your loved one’s social interactions with you, other family members, and friends is important to his or her health and wellness. Senior adults who become isolated or who isolate themselves can suffer from depression, which is correlated with heart disease and dementia; the development of detrimental habits like smoking, drinking, and more; and a higher mortality rate.
When it is time to discuss assisted living with your loved one, your support will make the transition easier. If you have questions regarding assisted living and senior transportation services call on the professionals in Melbourne, Florida to get the answers and assistance you need.