Gastric bypass surgery is considered a major operation that requires at least a couple weeks of recovery in which you will feel tired, hungry and uncomfortable. As long as the recovery process goes as planned, the results will be well worth it.

Weight loss surgery can literally be life saving for patients. Not only does it help you lose weight, which in turn reduces your chances of dying due to weight-related diseases, but also it gives you a chance to truly live again.   

Following your surgery it’s time to start your new life as an all new you! Stellar Transportation would love to be a part of your transformation with our leading non-emergency medical transportation for bariatric patients.

Recovering From Gastric Bypass Surgery

Immediately Following The Surgery

The average patient will spend between 1 and 4 days in the hospital after surgery. While staying at the hospital you will be asked to:

  • Sit on the side of your bed and walk on the same day as surgery.
  • Some patients have a tube inserted through their nose and into their stomach to help drain fluids from the intestine. This tube generally remains for just 1 to 2 days.
  • The first 1 to 3 days after surgery you may not be able to eat anything at all. Following that, you will be placed on a liquid diet before moving on to pureed or soft foods.
  • You may have a catheter inserted to remove urine.
  • A tube may be connected to the larger part of your stomach where the bypass was performed. You will see the catheter coming out of your side and draining fluids.
  • You may wear special stockings and/or receive shots that help prevent blood clots from forming.
  • You will be given regular doses of pain medication to help ease discomfort and pain. Medication may be given through pills or an IV.

How Much Weight Will I Lose Following Surgery?

The majority of people lose around 10 to 20 pounds every single month for a year after surgery. Over time, weight loss will slow down but that’s largely because you’ll have far less weight to lose. Maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle with plenty of exercise will help you continue to drop more pounds until you reach your ultimate goal weight.

How Much Pain Can I Expect To Be In?

Your doctor will do everything they can to limit pain following surgery, although some level of pain and discomfort is to be expected. Discuss your options for pain relief prior to surgery, which can be altered to fit your particular pain tolerance.

How Long After Gastric Bypass Surgery Can I Get Pregnant?

Studies have found that women who undergo gastric bypass are capable of delivering healthy babies shortly thereafter. It’s best to wait until you have fully recovered from surgery. Most experts recommend waiting at least 18 months post-surgery.

What Can I Eat After Weight Loss Surgery?

Your liquid and pureed food diet will continue for 2 to 3 weeks after surgery. Following that, you will slowly begin adding soft foods to your diet and then regular foods. It’s important to eat slowly and in small portions, chewing each bite fully before swallowing and moving on to the next bite.

You should not eat and drink simultaneously. Instead, you’ll need to drink fluids 30 minutes after eating food. Do not gulp down any beverages. Instead take small slow sips. You may also be told not to drink out of a straw, as this can bring air in the stomach and create discomfort.

Follow your doctor’s post-surgery diet plan carefully for best results.

Avoiding Dumping Syndrome

If you eat foods containing high levels of sugars or any other small particles on an empty stomach you may develop dumping syndrome. This highly uncomfortable condition is caused when the body can’t properly break down these particles, reducing blood volume and putting you in a shock-like state. Sugar also has the potential to put your body into insulin shock because your intestinal tract has been altered.

Symptoms of dumping syndrome include:

  • Cold sweats
  • Pale
  • Weird tingly feeling in your stomach
  • Rapid pulse
  • Cramps
  • Diarrhea

Symptoms generally last between 30 and 60 minutes. In order to avoid this you shouldn’t eat sugars on an empty stomach.

When Can I Begin Physical Activity?

Exercise is a very important component of successful weight loss surgery, but it must come at the right time in your recovery. Start slowly moving around the hospital or house after surgery. Walking is encouraged the day of surgery and every day thereafter.

During the first week you can use the stairs and shower. If something causes pain you know to stop. If you are in bed and your belly is hurting, it may actually relieve discomfort to get up and walk around the house.

If you undergo laparoscopic surgery you should be able to return to most normal activities within 2 to 4 weeks following surgery. If you undergo open surgery you will return to normal activity closer to 12 weeks after surgery.

Prior to your doctor giving you the okay to return to normal physical activity you should NOT:

  • Lift anything 10+ pounds
  • Do activities that include pushing or pulling
  • Push yourself, all activity should be slowly introduced and slowly increased.

How Long After Gastric Bypass Surgery Can I Drive?

If you were driving prior to undergoing gastric bypass surgery you will need to wait until you have stopped taking all narcotic medications to start driving again. You must be fully alert and able to react in an emergency at the time you get back behind the wheel. This is generally between 7 and 14 days following your surgery.

Even though you can’t drive you will still have mandatory doctor appointments to attend. Stellar Transportation is here to get you where you need to go with our first-class non-emergency medical transportation services. Our drivers are equipped with the knowledge and equipment to safely and comfortably transport you where you need to go. Contact us today for a free quote on local and long-distance bariatric transportation.