From non-emergency medical transportation to senior exercise classes, we are counting down 5 senior services with the power to truly impact and improve quality of life. In Brevard County, 1 in 4 residents are senior citizens. Due to the high number of seniors in our area there are so many programs geared specifically to seniors. Are you or your loved one enjoying the benefits of the many senior services in Brevard, FL?
5 Brevard County Senior Services To Improve Quality Of Life
#1. Non-Emergency Medical Transportation
Non-emergency medical transportation provides seniors with a reliable ride to doctor appointments, physical therapy sessions and other important events or appointments that ultimately improve quality of life. For instance, if your senior does not always have a ride to physical therapy appointments they will not reap the full benefits of therapy, thus decreasing quality of life. When you have a reliable medical transportation service on speed dial you never have to miss an appointment.
We offer both local and long distance non-emergency medical transportation, specializing in senior, wheelchair, bariatric and stretcher patients. Contact us today for a free quote!
#2. Senior Exercise Classes
Enrolling seniors in exercise classes geared to their mobility and physical endurance is key to keeping muscles fit and limbs limber. The loss of strength that seniors experience is largely related to a decrease in physical activity. By adding regular exercise classes to your itinerary you can add more quality years onto your life. Unfortunately, 1/3 of men and 1/2 of women over 75-years-old do not participate in any physical activities.
The benefits of regular exercise for seniors include:
-Better mobility and reduced risk of falling and becoming injured.
-Reduced risk of death due to coronary heart disease, colon cancer and diabetes.
-Exercise can reduce high blood pressure in seniors with hypertension.
If a senior complains about pain while exercising, considering enrolling him/her in a swimming class for seniors. This form of non-impact aerobic exercise provides ample benefits without straining the body.
#3. Senior Activities At A Local Senior Center
One of the largest issues impacting seniors is isolation. Luckily, there are numerous organizations, religious institutions and local senior centers that provide daily or weekly activities to keep seniors happy, busy, and engaged. Some services even provide rides to and from activities. These types of programs offer everything from day trips to the local theater to Bingo nights and so much more.
Benefits to enrolling seniors in activity programs:
-Gives them an opportunity to meet new friends and socialize with like-age peers.
-Keeps them active and helps prevent boredom and isolation.
-Improves coordination and life skills depending on the activities they participate in.
-Helps provide a purpose and reason to get up in the morning.
Learn about some of the senior activities ongoing in Brevard:
#4. Community Service Programs For Seniors
Just like any living being, seniors need to feel useful or else what’s the point? That’s why volunteering for a community service program can offer so many benefits. Volunteering gives seniors a new purpose and a social outlet, improving happiness and quality of life.
Benefits to volunteering for seniors:
-Keeps seniors connected to all generations, helping to close the generation gap.
-It helps prevent seniors from feeling alone, isolated and depressed.
-It encourages healthy physical activities that keep seniors young on the inside and outside.
-It is excellent for mental health and can even prevent or postpone the development of Alzheimer’s.
Some community service opportunities for seniors in Brevard, FL include:
#5. Meals On Wheels
Many seniors have a nutritionally poor diet lacking in necessary vitamins, minerals and nutrients their ageing bodies need to stay as healthy possible. There are several different meal delivery services for seniors, including Meals On Wheels. Not only does this awesome program ensure seniors get a healthy hot meal, but it also provides them with a friendly visit and companionship to look forward to.
Benefits to Meals On Wheels for seniors:
-By meeting nutritional needs you can improve health and quality of life.
-Socialization and reduced isolation due to friendly visits from people delivering food.
-No cost to qualifying seniors
Learn more about Meals On Wheels in Brevard County and see if you or your loved one qualifies for this beneficial program: