Wheelchair accessible vehicles are the only way for wheelchair patients to travel in comfort while remaining as safe as possible. Placing a wheelchair in an ordinary vehicle puts patients at risk for injury, especially if they are involved in an accident during transportation.

Understandably, not everyone can afford to run out and buy a wheelchair accessible van. Plus, just because you own a wheelchair accessible vehicle doesn’t mean you can get in and out of it without assistance. Some wheelchair patients can drive themselves, but others require a driver.

We specialize in non-emergency medical wheelchair transportation. We provide everything, from state-of-the-art wheelchair accessible vehicles, to assistance getting in and out of your home. There are many benefits to hiring us, including… 

Benefits To Hiring Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles In Florida

1. Get Out Of The Hospital Earlier

Patients often get stuck living out of a hospital because they do not have transportation to get back and froth to their doctor appointments after returning home. If you have a reliable transportation service, you may be eligible to go home sooner while still making it back for all of your important follow-up appointments. 

2. Improve Recovery Times

Making it to all of your physical therapy appointments is fundamental to healing faster. If you consistently miss your appointments you only prolong your recovery period. Our non-emergency medical transportation services allow you to make it to all of your appointments on time so that you can heal as fast as possible.

3. Increased Comfort

Trying to get around town in a car that is not wheelchair compliant can be downright uncomfortable. The discomfort may arise as soon as you try to get in and out of the car, and extends through the actual ride.

Wheelchair accessible vehicles allow you to ride in your wheelchair as opposed to being transported in and out of your chair, providing much greater comfort and less risk of injury.

Riding in the wrong type of vehicle can create a lot of discomfort and even pain. When you are transferred from your chair to the seat, there is the potential for unnecessary pressure on your shoulders and/or back. Shoulder pain is most common when moving yourself, while back pain is more common if a caregiver is transporting you. 

4. Less Risk Of Injury

As mentioned above, when riding in a wheelchair accessible vehicle the risk for injury is greatly reduced. That includes injuries that may incur while loading and unloading patients, as well as injuries related to roadway accidents. Up to date wheelchair vans are built so that patients are as safe as possible regardless if they utilize the vehicle’s built-in seats or remain in their wheelchair.

Simply putting a wheelchair in a van or using makeshift tie-downs can be incredibly dangerous. If the chair is improperly secured it doesn’t take much impact for the wheelchair to go flying through the windshield, this may sound dramatic but it’s no joke. 

5. Freedom To Hit The Road On Your Terms

Without the ability to drive, life can start to feel like a virtual prison. Having a wheelchair accessible vehicle on speed dial gives you the freedom to get where you need to go.

When vehicles are intended for wheelchair patients, it makes it very easy to load and unload passengers. It’s not uncommon for wheelchair patients to get in a sedentary rut thinking it’s too difficult to go anywhere by vehicle. That’s not the case at all when you hire the right team with the appropriate fleet of wheelchair accessible vehicles.

6. Go The Distance: Long Distance Transportation

If you need to travel clear across the United States or up the coast of Florida, we can take you there. We offer both local and long distance transportation services. A long ride in a car can be made a whole lot worse if you’re in a vehicle that is not built for wheelchairs. The right van can make all of the difference in terms of your comfort.

7. Door-Through-Door Service

Our top of the line wheelchair vehicles are very important, but so too is superior customer service. We offer door-through-door services that ensure you get all of the assistance you need getting out of your home and into your appointment. 

It’s The Stellar Way Or The Highway

Pair our state-of-the-art wheelchair accessible vehicles with top-notch customer service and you’ve got the only Stellar ride in town! Stellar Transportation specializes in non-emergency medical transportation for wheelchair patients of all ages and sizes. We offer bariatric transportation, as well as stretcher transportation. Contact us today for a free quote!