Keeping seniors active all year long is important for their mental and physical wellbeing. Seniors who lack adequate opportunities to socialize are at a far greater risk of developing depression, which increases the rate of mental and physical decline.

7 Fun Activities to Keep Seniors Active

Seniors don’t have to wait for a special event to have something to do, you can book up their calendar throughout the year so that they remain busy and filled with purpose.

Sign Them Up for Senior Swim Classes

According to the CDC, seniors should get at least thirty minutes of daily activity to meet doctor-recommended targets. There are many different ways seniors can get the proper amount of exercise, and senior swim classes are among the best options. That’s because it provides excellent non-weight-bearing physical exercise that is easy on the joints.  Plus, senior swim classes offer a way to make friends and socialize on a regular basis.

Enroll in an Adult Day Care Center

Adult day care centers offer a plethora of activities, outings, social encounters and so much more to keep seniors busy during the week. These programs are ideal for seniors who would otherwise be stuck at home all day. There are many adult day care centers in and around Melbourne, FL.

Attend (or host) Senior Game Nights

Check out local senior game night opportunities. Games like Bingo and card games help seniors remain mentally active, while also giving them a chance to socialize.

Can’t find any local senior game nights in your area? Consider starting your own by inviting local seniors over for a weekly game night. This will give your loved one something to look forward to, as well as a way they can share their home with others. Ask everyone to bring a snack or dish of some sort and then rotate who brings the game.

Enroll in College Courses

As we age, the gray matter in our brain atrophies but studies have found that learning new things helps to offset these changes and improve mentally capacity. That means one of the best things a senior can do is constantly learn new things.

For this very reason, the Florida college system waives student fees for people 60 and older. While classes do not count for credit, seniors can enroll at little to no cost. This gives seniors a chance to engage with younger generations, learn something new, and simply get out of the house.

You never know, they may even discover a new hobby or passion!

Sign Up for Meals on Wheels

Programs like Meals on Wheels provide healthy and nutritious meals to seniors, but they also deliver so much more – like a chance to socialize with a friendly face several times per week.


Encourage seniors to volunteer at a local childcare center, for the police, or at a non-profit organization. This will help fill their life with purpose while giving them something to look forward to that keeps them active. Plus, they are helping others in the process – a win-win.

Invest in a Nintendo Wii

Video games are often stereotyped as something for younger generations, but many seniors enjoy video games as well, especially games like Wii that involve some motion and mobility. Wii tennis or bowling games can be a lot of fun for the whole family, and seniors may find enjoyment participating in them on their own as well.

A Trusted Ride to All Activities

Stellar Transportation provides non-emergency medical transportation to the Melbourne community. Our services extend far beyond providing rides to doctor appointments and physical therapy sessions. We offer rides to a variety of events and social engagements. Contact us today to learn more and get a quote.